When tings move slow, it can feel like an inch is a mile long and a year in the future. WiMax / Clearwire / xohm must feel that things are moving as slow as a glacial flow. This article about the new modem is sorta like a global (okay not on a global scale) warming up to connectivity? Sprint Nextel Corp. to release dual-network modem 1 hour ago KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Sprint Nextel Corp. on Wednesday unveiled a new laptop modem that will allow users to switch between the company's normal cellular network and the new high-speed WiMax network. The Overland Park, Kan.-based wireless carrier said the USB Modem U300 will go on sale Sunday in Baltimore, the only market where Sprint is currently offering the so-called fourth-generation wireless service under the Xohm brand. WiMax, similar to the WiFi broadband services found in airports and coffee shops, can cover an entire city and provide download speeds up to five times faster than Sprint's standard wireless network, which uses C...