
Showing posts from June 17, 2007

Who needs a video camera in the UK? They are everywhere ...

IMO there is some good reading and watching in this post. Some (***) of this was shared by others in another group. Orwell is spinning... This would make a compelling addition as a sub plot for a sequal to 1984. Amusing as a plot line for police Academy 28. Great "Reality" TV showcasing the lives and loves of sanitation engineers..... In the article, is this nugget: "The tiny covert camera, which has cost Weymouth and Portland Council, Dorset, up to £10,000"..... Someone's cousin is making a tidy profit off the taxpayers. Telegraph 12:55am BST 17/06/2007 (I don't know who wrote it thought) Bin bag 'spy camera' to enforce refuse rules A council is to hide a camera in a bin bag to catch residents who do not follow new rules about putting out the rubbish..... To enforce the new rules, a camera will be placed in a rubbish bag and left in an alleyway to blend in with the surroundings to catch offenders. Those filmed breaking the rules will be given a tick...