Hot - Digg - doged
This code has been floating around for over 16 weeks. I saw it when it was first posted (or very soon after) and shared the link with a friend so that he could make backups of his DVDs. I have stumbled across the code on other people's sites. It was a cat out of the bag long before it was Digg'd (or Dug?). I'd like to see this setlled in some way other then a court room. I don't think Digg has the deep pockets, so the outcome of this may be the same as Napster's fate. Is this a Custer like stand? Don't know yet. But my opinion is that like the RIAA and Motion Picture Association has repeatedly done (Think Viacom vs Google) they waited too long. Snooze ya lose? Na ... these guys are clever and lawyered, this smells more like a play on the Judicial System to get tougher laws in place. They (HD DVD folks) goofed by not making the protection tougher to crack. But they really goofed by not seeing the writing on the wall in the mid 90's and positioning for the web...