I can see your true colors: Latino - No. White - of course
Cancellation of "The George Lopez Show", just plain WRONG. Sabotage, is what I would call the "financially" excuse. And though the Geico Caveman is clever as a commercial, I am already tired of it at thirty seconds. Come on. In all fairness there are Hispanics on Cable ( one of my favorites ). But cable TV is not free or inexpensive. Not to mention that this is a proverbial middle finger to a huge demographic. I want real people, not a silly Flintstones knockoff. TV just got a lot 'whiter,' says a canceled George Lopez George Lopez, the first Latino to lead a television series successfully, isn't laughing. "TV just became really, really white again," he said. ABC, he said, has "unceremoniously" canceled his self-titled comedy, which over the years chronicled his personal life from his sad childhood growing up with an abusive grandmother, to his alcoholism and kidney transplant. "The George Lopez Show" will live on in syn...