
Showing posts from June, 2007

I deleted this

Most of this post was unreadable after the event for Save Net Radio Click that link or copy and past to learn more.
Over the next few weeks this will become the blog for Backlot OPS news and information only. This speech, is the last political post About time for common sense truth.

Who needs a video camera in the UK? They are everywhere ...

IMO there is some good reading and watching in this post. Some (***) of this was shared by others in another group. Orwell is spinning... This would make a compelling addition as a sub plot for a sequal to 1984. Amusing as a plot line for police Academy 28. Great "Reality" TV showcasing the lives and loves of sanitation engineers..... In the article, is this nugget: "The tiny covert camera, which has cost Weymouth and Portland Council, Dorset, up to £10,000"..... Someone's cousin is making a tidy profit off the taxpayers. Telegraph 12:55am BST 17/06/2007 (I don't know who wrote it thought) Bin bag 'spy camera' to enforce refuse rules A council is to hide a camera in a bin bag to catch residents who do not follow new rules about putting out the rubbish..... To enforce the new rules, a camera will be placed in a rubbish bag and left in an alleyway to blend in with the surroundings to catch offenders. Those filmed breaking the rules will be given a tick...