Man I love what Google does. "Don't Be Evil". And yeah, there have been a few questionable decisions/occasions (well publicized) where there is some doubt due to circumstances, but over all, as big as Google gets, it still seems to strive to be good. So I could accused be championing their cause here ... Guilty. But I do not get any special treatment, a pay check or a pat on the back. Anyway... In a video chat the other day, Marcus from Our Media pointed out Youtube's Testtube site. during a discussion about video on the web and uses for YouTube. This is a public beta, but I don't think many people are aware it is there to try out. Of the four services listed, two, ActiveSharing & Streams , have me thinking of potentail uses beyond YouTube. In brief, ActiveSharing lets you show others what you are watching. Streams href=" allows interaction and the sharing of videos within ...