
Showing posts from December, 2008

Program teaches kids language through song

Local school system exploring something new. Kindergartners, first- and second-graders at Churchland elementary school in Portsmouth participate in Music Speaks, a pilot program that aims to introduce children to foreign languages.

"Playing For Change: Peace Through Music"

Where I live and when I was growing up, there were some very colorful street people. One in particular that played the trumpet (didn't try to play it well) was a real interesting but Out" there personality. Others shouted hymms and sang them (or maybe it was the same guy different day) ... anyway ... I use to do a little traveling, and would see (& sometimes meet) the street people in the towns/cities we played. I so like what these guys did ... I wish I had a way to add/contribute to what they have done. I am just impressed as I can be. This video gave me goose bumps ... the same feeling when everything is perfect ... enough wasted days/wasted nights rambling on typing ... here is the video. in no other space/time would being the 1,952,542 person to view something still feel like only a few came before ...I am just surprised that 19+ million had not viewed this .... Here is their site:

Hampton Roads, Virginia - Google Maps

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Sprint/Nextel Corp. dual-network modem

When tings move slow, it can feel like an inch is a mile long and a year in the future. WiMax / Clearwire / xohm must feel that things are moving as slow as a glacial flow. This article about the new modem is sorta like a global (okay not on a global scale) warming up to connectivity? Sprint Nextel Corp. to release dual-network modem 1 hour ago KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Sprint Nextel Corp. on Wednesday unveiled a new laptop modem that will allow users to switch between the company's normal cellular network and the new high-speed WiMax network. The Overland Park, Kan.-based wireless carrier said the USB Modem U300 will go on sale Sunday in Baltimore, the only market where Sprint is currently offering the so-called fourth-generation wireless service under the Xohm brand. WiMax, similar to the WiFi broadband services found in airports and coffee shops, can cover an entire city and provide download speeds up to five times faster than Sprint's standard wireless network, which uses C...

LeWeb08 - A point of view I share

It is frustrating to see something so clearly. It is the difficulty of finding others that share the same view and the resistance from those that would benefit most. Blah blah blah ... Where I live, there are unlimited opportunities to bring people together, and a huge pool of talented people yet to be connected to create opportunities. Patience is a virtue. David Weinberger , Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society , Harvard University. Live streaming video by Ustream Of course Michael Crichton Predicted Media Demise

Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED)

The Frauenhofer Institute's research in the field of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) and developed a new polymer material and basic processes, with which advanced technology can be implemented.

Program for the Future Conference

Invitation to Innovation, Interactive conference Doug Engelbart's 1968 Demo Expands on Engelbart's ideas on the technology and tools that increase Collective Intelligence and an example of how it works. December 8 & 9 FOR ALL CONFERENCE MEDIA, VIDEO, SLIDES, LINKS, AND VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION CLICK HERE December 8
- Workshops at The Tech Museum of Innovation, with Featured Speakers * Professor Thomas Malone, Founding Director, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence * Professor Hiroshi Ishii, Associate Director, MIT Media Laboratory * Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google * Andries van Dam, Professor, Brown University * Alan Kay, President, Viewpoints Research Institute * Steve Wozniak, co-founder, Apple Computer, Inc. Also mentioned on the schedule is a tour, led by , President of The Tech Museum, Peter Friess of the largest US exhibition of da Vinci's engineering, anatomical studies and art. "In celebration of the Mother of All Demo...

Center for American Progress: Green Recovery

December 1, 2008, 12:00pm – 1:30pm "Green Recovery: A Program to Create Good Jobs and Start Building a Low Carbon Economy," finds that to promote economic mobility, growth, job creation, and regain technological leadership in the global innovation marketplace, we must fundamentally change how we produce and consume energy in this country and transform our economy to a low-carbon model. Investing in clean energy and efficiency will enable the United States to regain technological leadership in the global innovation marketplace, grow our economy, reduce global warming emissions, and invest in national security. Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can Renew America by Thomas L. Friedman