Stuff like this pops off the page
I just decided to start adding them
War Costing $720 Million Each Day, Group Says
By Kari Lydersen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 22, 2007; A11
"Either you think the war in Iraq supports America's national security, or not," said Frederick W. Kagan, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "If you think national security won't be harmed by withdrawing from Iraq, of course you would want to see that money spent elsewhere. I myself think that belief, on a certain level, is absurd, so the question of focusing on how much money we are spending there is irrelevant."
Okay Fred "Tom Kat" Kagen
So why doesn't this logic apply to businesses that are making money hand over fist. Is big returns a boom or in the long term a bust for the US? Us? Or is it all about the investors? If one has a billion in today's chedda, what will the Swiss Cheese be worth tomorrow? Will it taste as good? Will it have been stored at the right temperature or will it have grown molded? Will there be better chedda somewhere else? Who will I turn to (on) for chedda if I am left with molded, bad tasting swiss? Where will the new chedda come from, will it be safe to eat, or have been tainted?
Well Fred, I am sure this rant is absurd "Thinking" to you. It is late here. Oh and do NOT focus on anything, everything is IRREVERENT.
"If you think the health and security of this nation and it's people won't be enriched and made safer by withdrawing from Iraq, of course you would want to see that money spent blowing shit up, killing and maiming people elsewhere. I myself think that belief, on a certain level, is absurd, so the question of focusing on how much money we are spending there is irrelevant."
Mine makes about as much sense.
When did so many start to think in these crazy, antonym spewing like, empty, no substance clipped, fragmented disjointed, delusional, as one voice in anticipation of being the chosen, relative to the coming fig induced sycophant, last calumniator standing, no cunt in sight, wide stance support the troops, don't ask don't tell, this is progress, rendition is a vacation, "water boarding makes good hygiene", the folks in a dome are living it up, we will save honor at all cost, American spirit Americans?
Pleasant ....
War Costing $720 Million Each Day, Group Says
By Kari Lydersen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 22, 2007; A11
"Either you think the war in Iraq supports America's national security, or not," said Frederick W. Kagan, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "If you think national security won't be harmed by withdrawing from Iraq, of course you would want to see that money spent elsewhere. I myself think that belief, on a certain level, is absurd, so the question of focusing on how much money we are spending there is irrelevant."
Okay Fred "Tom Kat" Kagen
So why doesn't this logic apply to businesses that are making money hand over fist. Is big returns a boom or in the long term a bust for the US? Us? Or is it all about the investors? If one has a billion in today's chedda, what will the Swiss Cheese be worth tomorrow? Will it taste as good? Will it have been stored at the right temperature or will it have grown molded? Will there be better chedda somewhere else? Who will I turn to (on) for chedda if I am left with molded, bad tasting swiss? Where will the new chedda come from, will it be safe to eat, or have been tainted?
Well Fred, I am sure this rant is absurd "Thinking" to you. It is late here. Oh and do NOT focus on anything, everything is IRREVERENT.
"If you think the health and security of this nation and it's people won't be enriched and made safer by withdrawing from Iraq, of course you would want to see that money spent blowing shit up, killing and maiming people elsewhere. I myself think that belief, on a certain level, is absurd, so the question of focusing on how much money we are spending there is irrelevant."
Mine makes about as much sense.
When did so many start to think in these crazy, antonym spewing like, empty, no substance clipped, fragmented disjointed, delusional, as one voice in anticipation of being the chosen, relative to the coming fig induced sycophant, last calumniator standing, no cunt in sight, wide stance support the troops, don't ask don't tell, this is progress, rendition is a vacation, "water boarding makes good hygiene", the folks in a dome are living it up, we will save honor at all cost, American spirit Americans?
Pleasant ....