Misc day post - saves overloading my friends email box

First - more nija looking stuff - http://screen.v1.myvirtualpaper.com/directory/2007092101/en/ but this is a good recourse to have as a bookmark.

US more so than world ... CompUSA the electronics retailer will close all stores after Christmas. For me ... Only alternative to the Apple Store (over priced) but for cables and access, this may be a good time to replace or stock up on firewire, bluetooth etc ... http://www.compusa.com/

Online Apps - Following this with a opinion article on Google
The public beta for Microsoft Office Live Workspace will go live Dec. 10.
However, users who do not have Office installed will not be able to edit documents.

Google is creating a server farm up in Oregon that could eventually become the data center of the universe. It could provide all types of new services, applications, and devices to deliver a type of personal and business ecosystem that connects devices to it and each other seamlessly. I believe Google will model its system on Apple's successful software, hardware, and services, which are extremely easy to use and, more important, tied together seamlessly.

And as always ... something shinny and new this way comes .... http://www.pageflakes.com/ I started learning this beta for an Apple widget builder ... then my computer died ... looked at google's builder but do not know enough to figure out what I need on my machine. Snowflake looks easy ... must stay focused...

LinkedIn Opens API to Nurture Productivity Software http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2230937,00.asp?kc=EWKNLNAV121107STR3
"...Unlike platforms from Facebook and Google's OpenSocial, LinkedIn's developer platform is for business applications.
LinkedIn became the latest social site to open up its platform to let programmers write applications for the popular professional networking service."


http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2230858,00.asp?kc=EWKNLNAV121107STR1 silverlight 2.0

Most travel sites focus on places to go and ways to get there. What most lack is a real feel for what you can do when you get there. What's Your 20 focuses a more on what to do, once you're there. The site is catered to the outdoorsy type, so expect to see lots of fishing trips, hiking trails, ski resorts, and campgrounds. http://whatsyour20.com/

And another distraction (like Joomla was) Ruby on Rails 2.0 Arrives - http://www.eweek.com/slideshow/0,1206,a=215809,00.asp Setting up the server side killed me ... had no idea what I was doing for Joomla or Ruby/Rails ... deleted most but Joomla is still taking up room, unsure what must stay, what can go. But I liked the look of Rails and the Ruby ... which is now Drupal looking and other alternatives ... http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2230715,00.asp

http://www.boinx.com/istopmotion/overview/ simple stop motion animation tool

Specialty gear http://www.harbortronics.com/products.asp pretty cool, niche, but liek a lot of stuff, will get your mind racing with ideas.

IBM and Partners Move Closer to 32-NM Chips http://www.eweek.com/print_article2/0,1217,a=221270,00.asp
"...IBM says its next-generation 32-nanometer chips will cut down on power leakage and reduce the processor's size.
IBM is moving a step closer delivering the first of its first 32-nanometer microprocessors with an announcement that it has developed a high-k metal gate manufacturing technology, which promises to reduce the power that leaks from a chip's transistors while reducing the overall size of its chips."

After the first of the year!!! I would like to pull you in on a demo of this gear ... The idea will be to do two (me & you) or more locations and run this through some tests. http://www.lifesize.com/ The guy just called me again (I started this when I had a potential paying client/user in mind, they bailed) ... this would be a real demo of the gear ... hands on in all locations (2 or more)

10 Disruptive New Storage Technologies Promise Big Changes
Do a skim ... but interesting stuff here: http://www.eweek.com/print_article2/0,1217,a=220916,00.asp

A small PC mag nod to some videoblogging pioneers (z-Frank, Digg Nation)

And more on Non Traditional creators http://screenmag.tv/feature.aspx?fid=2152

Man this list got big - very sorry
Best (and Worst) of 2007 - http://www.pcmag.com/print_article2/0,1217,a=219629,00.asp

DIY Home Built Stabilizer http://hbsboard.com/index.php & http://www.hbsplans.com/ with additional information

This guy (Walter Graffe) ROCKS !! He tests and posts results - http://www.bluesky-web.com/hdv.htm MORE DIY here: http://www.bluesky-web.com/new-page6.html



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